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In an increasingly intersected world, the use and accessibility of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) has experienced significant growth in the last 30 years. Dealing with the challenges of today requires problem-solvers who bring different perspectives and are willing to utilise a mixture of subject matter expertise, professional experience and interpersonal skills.


An independent non-profit, the Caribbean ADR Initiative (CADRIn) emerged out of a pursuit to support both the existing practitioners and experts in the Caribbean region, and to inspire others to use and promote these ADR mechanisms for greater access to viable and lasting outcomes where disputes occur. In partnership with regional ADR centres and practitioners, governments and public sector bodies, private corporations, educational institutions and other key stakeholders, the Initiative operates as a fulcrum via which knowledge and resources are disseminated.

Established in 2020 by co-founders Baria Ahmed and Shan M Greer, CADRIn is driven by progressive ideas, bold actions, and a strong foundation of support. 



CADRIn offers a dedicated program of awareness raising and engagement to the widest possible public stakeholders to ensure better understanding of and greater use of ADR across the Caribbean region.






Baria is a UK barrister, arbitrator, mediator and ADR consultant. She has worked as an expert consultant and ADR practitioner since 2003, with a particular focus on international projects, commercial ADR services, professional training and development. Following completion of her 3-year remit to establish and launch the Arbitration and Mediation Court of the Caribbean (AMCC) in Barbados, Baria stepped down as the institution’s founding Director General in December 2018. She continues to actively practice in the Caribbean region, and internationally.



Shan is a Caribbean arbitrator, mediator and lawyer associated with the law firm Floissac, Fleming & Associates in Saint Lucia. For almost 20 years, Shan has dealt with a wide range of disputes in banking and finance, construction and infrastructure, energy, telecommunications, oil and gas sectors in capacity as counsel, meditator and arbitrator. Shan Greer has also been regularly appointed in ad hoc international and domestic arbitrations governed by the laws of civil and common law jurisdictions under various arbitration rules including the ICC and UNCITRAL Rules.


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